Use of Has, Have and Had with Example and Exercise

How to Use of Has and Have with Example and Exercise

To show possession
पहचान : के पास है
He, she, it, name, singular noun = has I, we, you, they, pleural noun = have

Affirmative – Rule for use of Use of Has and Have

Sub + has/have + obj
उसकेपास एक कार है He has a car. मेरे पास एक लैपटॉप है I have a laptop.
मैंएक भाई और दो बहन है I have one brother and two sisters.
तम्ुहारेपास एक घड़ी है you have a watch.

Negative – Rule for use of Use of Has and Have

Sub + do/does +not+ have + obj
उसकेपास कार नह ींहै He does not have a car मेरे पास लैपटॉप नह ीं है I don’t have a laptop
तम्ुहारेपास घड़ी नह ीं है you don’t have a watch. उनके पास घर नह ींहै they do not have a home

Interrogative – Rule for use of Use of Has and Have

Do / does + Sub +have+ obj
क्या उसके पास एक कार है? Does he have a car? क्या आपके पास पैसेहैं Do you have money?
क्या उनकेपास बैग है? Do they have a bag? क्या उसके पास कार है? Does he have a car?

Interrogative Negative – Rule for use of Use of Has and Have

Do / does + Sub + not + have + obj
क्या उसके पास कार नह ीं है? Does he not have a car? / Doesn’t he have a car?
क्या आपके पास पैसे नह ींहैं Does he not have money? / Doesn’t he have money?
क्या उनके पास बैग नह ीं है? Do they not have a bag? / Don’t they have money?

Question word sentences – Rule for use of Use of Has and Have

Q.W + Do / does + Sub + not + have + obj
हम लोगों के पास एक मकान क्यों है? Why do I have a home?
मेरे पास समय कै से नह ीं हैं ? How don’t I have time ?

Exercise for has and have

मेरे पास एक बैल हैं, मेरे पास एक सन्ुदर अगीं ठू ी हैं, सअू र को एक पूँछू होत़ी हैं,
राम को दो बेटटयाूँनह ीं हैं. उन लोगों के पास दो बबल्ललयाूँनह ीं हैं, क्या लडकों के पास बॉल हैं? क्या
उनलोगों के पास पयााप्त पैसे नह ीं हैं? उसके पास दो गायें क्यों नह ीं हैं? र मा Ki दो बेटियाीं हैं

Use of Had with Example and Exercise

To show possession in past
पहचान : के पास था
He, she, it, I, we, you, they = had

Affirmative – Rule for use of Use of had

Sub + had + obj
उसकेपास एक कार था He had a car. मेरेपास एक लैपटॉप था I had a laptop.
तम्ुहारेपास एक घड़ी था you had a watch उनकेपास सोनेकी अगीं ठू ी थ़ी they had a golden ring

Negative – Rule for use of Use of had

Sub + did +not+ have + obj
उसकेपास कार नह ींथा He did not have a car मेरेपास लैपटॉप नह ीं था I didn’t have a laptop
तम्ुहारेपास घड़ी नह ीं था you didn’t have a watch. उनकेपास घर नह था they didn’t have a home

Interrogative – Rule for use of Use of had

Did + Sub +have+ obj
क्या उसके पास कार था? Did he have a car? क्या आपकेपास पैसेथे? Did you have money?
क्या उनकेपास बैग था? Did they have a bag? क्या उसकेपास कार था ? Did he have a car?

Interrogative Negative – Rule for use of Use of had

Did + Sub + not + have + obj
क्या उसके पास कार नह ीं था? Did he not have a car? / Didn’t he have a car?
क्या आपकेपास पैसे नह ींथे Did he not have money? / Didn’t he have money?
क्या उनकेपास बैग नह ीं था? Did they not have a bag? / Didn’t they have money?

Question word Sentences – Rule for use of Use of had

Q.W + Did + Sub + not + have + obj
हमलोगों के पास एक मकान क्यों था? Why did I have a home?
मेरे पास समय कै से नह ीं था ? How didn’t I have time ?

Exercise for had

उनलोगों के पास पयााप्त पैसा था, उसके पास किताब थी, हमारे पास प्रमाण पत्र नह ीं था,
क्या उसके पास एि सद ीं र घडी थी, हमें पयााप्त ज्ञान नह ीं था, तम्ुहारे पास स्मािाफोन क्यों नह ीं था,
उसके पास पसा नह ीं था, क्या ननशा के पास एि िींप्यिूर था, रह म के कई दोस्त थे, मेरे पास सफे द
िपडे थ

Use of Has, Have and Had with Example and Exercise in PDF

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